This video is for anyone actively and honestly seeking answers to the whole Flat Earth concept. This is a follow up to my Nasa and the Flat Earth – A Global .\r
This video is for anyone actively and honestly seeking answers to the whole Flat Earth concept, in the hopes that you will further go on to investigate for .\r
Flat Earth Documentary - Prove All Things Parts of the documentary: Intro 0:15 Part 1: We are being lied to 2:37 - NASA fakery 4:21 - We have been lied to about .\r
Not giving up on my quest for truth, this video takes a look at how the idea of a Flat Earth has been hidden inside many of the worlds most popular Movies and .
This video is for anyone actively and honestly seeking answers to the whole Flat Earth concept, in the hopes that you will further go on to investigate for .\r
Flat Earth Documentary - Prove All Things Parts of the documentary: Intro 0:15 Part 1: We are being lied to 2:37 - NASA fakery 4:21 - We have been lied to about .\r
Not giving up on my quest for truth, this video takes a look at how the idea of a Flat Earth has been hidden inside many of the worlds most popular Movies and .