MP-TOP-10 Amazing Horns In The Animal Kingdom 2016

  • 9 years ago
Top 10 Amazing Horns In The Animal Kingdom


Springboks are attractive antelopes that found in Southwestern Africa. The brown and white colored antelope is also the national symbol of South Africa. They have attractive medium length (12-14 inches) black colored horns with a series of rings. Both male and female springboks have same shaped horns and sharp tip of their horns curve inwards.


Addaxs are white endangered antelopes that inhabit in Sahara desert. Both male and female addaxs have long twisted horns, measure between 35 -47 inches in length. They are also called as ‘screw horn antelopes because of their remarkable twisted horns.


The blackbuck antelopes native to the Indian subcontinent are better known for the long ringed horns of males. The horns stretches up to 28 inches and have 3-5 turns. The horn of male blackbuck also look like in a ‘V’ shape. Female blackbucks don’t have horns. The male blackbucks are in dark brown where females have yellowish brown coat. The male blakbucks are also noticeably larger than that of females.


Moose are the largest deer species that inhabit in the Northern Hemisphere. They are better known for the huge antlers of male moose. Their antlers measure 6 feet from one end to another end. The antlers grows from each side of the head of male moose. Their broad antlers look like cylindrical beams and have number of points.


Mouflons are one of members of the wild sheep family, found across Iran and Iraq. The male mouflons have attractive large curved horns. The horn of a male mouflon has an average length of 25 inches. The horn also grows throughout the life of a male mouflon. Female mouflons also have horns and very small in size. At same time females of few subspecies of mouflons don’t have horns.


The oryx is one of largest antelope species native to Africa. They are easily recognized by their long horns and horse like neck. Their horns reach up to a length of 30 inches. Unlike males female oryx have longer and thinner horns. Oryx also uses their long and sharp horns to defend against predators.

4.White Rhino-

White rhinos are the largest species of rhinos family. They have two horns, longer front horn and smaller back horn. The horns of white rhinos are entirely different from that of horns found in cattle and other animals. In fact the horns of white rhinos are a special type of growths made of structural protein called keratin. The larger front horn of white rhinos has length up to 24 inches.


Markhors are one of endangered and largest species of wild goat found across Western and Central Asia. They have amazing twisting horns that reach up to 1.6 meters in length. The horns of male markhors are about 50 cm longer than that of females. Markhors inhabit in shrub forests of the high mountains. The color and length of their coast differs in different seasons. During the summer season they have short reddish colored fug. During winter their fug grows much longer and color also changes from red to grey.

2.Capra Ibex-

The capra ibex also called as Alpine ibex is a species of wild goat family found in mountainous regions of Europe. The male capra ibex has long and strong horns, reach up to a length of 40 inches. But females have short and thin horns, only measures 13 inches in length.


Caribou also called as reindeer that found across North America, Europe and Asia. Unlike other species of deer family both male and female caribou have antlers. The antlers of male caribou measure 39 inches in width and 53 inches in length. The female caribou have shorter antlers than the males. The antlers of caribou also have many points in upper and lower parts
