manchild meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
An adult male who still posesses psychological traits of a child. Traits include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- whining
- pettyness
- trying to pass the blame for their own underdeveloped judgement
- not "stepping up to the plate" when it's their role to.
- secretly still finds 3rd grade bathroom humor amusing.
- is able to connect with his children, but only as another child, not as a father.
- not to mention an overall insecurity in who he is as a man, from which similar traits sprout.

The manchild, if married, is often found married to Type A women (usually firstborn or only child in their own family) who reluctantly yet aptly take up the slack for the aforementioned manchild.

This manchild will often attempt to augment their lack and/or compete with peers with material posessions such as:
- Harley Davidson Softtail with $30 do-rag
- Hummer H2 or similar oversized fossil-fuel guzzling behemoth
- 6 seat felt poker table with matching humidor
- The very latest electronic gadgets (digital camera, GPS handheld, etc.) to impress peers with.

manchild definition by Urban Dictionary