Nota de Sir_Mac: Debido a la falta del 75% del episodio en espanol al inicio, ha sido reemplazado por la version rusa con espanol en el fondo. Fernando .\r
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. Más información sobre esta novela en: FANCLUB MUNDIAL GRECIA .\r
Fernando is very disappointed, how badly the night with Manuela turned out. Emilio visits him and sees two glasses full of wine. He suspects, that Fernando was .\r
In the plane which is heading to Buenos Aires, Isabel is shaking, she feels cold fever. Fernando gets up from his seat and search for stewardess, who could give .
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. Más información sobre esta novela en: FANCLUB MUNDIAL GRECIA .\r
Fernando is very disappointed, how badly the night with Manuela turned out. Emilio visits him and sees two glasses full of wine. He suspects, that Fernando was .\r
In the plane which is heading to Buenos Aires, Isabel is shaking, she feels cold fever. Fernando gets up from his seat and search for stewardess, who could give .
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