Rats get a bad rap! They can be cute and cuddly and a childs best friend! SUBSCRIBE TO AFV ANIMALS!: Watch More Animal Videos at: .\r
If anybody would be willing to allow me to use their music for my next trick compilation video please email abbyroeser@gmail.com! Facebook: .\r
Watch Part 2: A short video showcasing a handful of incredible rat tricks performed by my five talented rats: .\r
I train my pet rats using clicker training and positive reinforcement. Their favorite treats are cheerios, but they also enjoy working for dog treats, peas, and dinner .
If anybody would be willing to allow me to use their music for my next trick compilation video please email abbyroeser@gmail.com! Facebook: .\r
Watch Part 2: A short video showcasing a handful of incredible rat tricks performed by my five talented rats: .\r
I train my pet rats using clicker training and positive reinforcement. Their favorite treats are cheerios, but they also enjoy working for dog treats, peas, and dinner .
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