Kirby the chinchilla came into the clinic with a life-threatening case of diarrhea. Ultimately, Dr. Thielen was able to prolong Kirbys life, but Kirby passed due to .\r
See how Shelby, the chinchilla with a serious tooth ache, is doing after her corrective dental procedure with Dr. K. DR. KS EXOTIC ANIMAL ER airs .\r
Season 01, Episode 01 – “Sir Lynx-a-Lot” Its business as usual at Dr. Ks exotic animal E.R., until a stressed out Eurasian lynx is brought in for over-grooming .\r
Season 01, Episode 05 – “One Fat Parakeet” Animals treated include a bleeding cockatiel, a skunk that needs to be spayed, two panther chameleons in for a .
See how Shelby, the chinchilla with a serious tooth ache, is doing after her corrective dental procedure with Dr. K. DR. KS EXOTIC ANIMAL ER airs .\r
Season 01, Episode 01 – “Sir Lynx-a-Lot” Its business as usual at Dr. Ks exotic animal E.R., until a stressed out Eurasian lynx is brought in for over-grooming .\r
Season 01, Episode 05 – “One Fat Parakeet” Animals treated include a bleeding cockatiel, a skunk that needs to be spayed, two panther chameleons in for a .
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