A no-holds barred sketch movie starring Academy Award-winner Adrien Brody as "Flirty Harry," a tough, no nonsense cop with a soft middle and a flair for fashion; Rob Schneider in a dual role as both a sleazy, horny psychologist and a curmudgeonly porn critic alongside his enthusiastic counterpart Michelle Rodriguez; Lindsay Lohan living out her fantasy of taking an ultimate revenge on the salivating paparazzi who haunt her, and Ari Shaffir as "The Amazing Racist," whose hilariously offensive hidden-camera encounters with members of different ethnic and minority groups push everyone's buttons.
Release Date: March 22nd, 2013
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Rob Schneider, Michelle Rodriguez, Adrien Brody, Lindsay Lohan, Ari Shaffir, Chloe Dykstra, Anna Akana, Jonathan Spencer
Directors: Vince Offer
Studio: Freestyle Releasing
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"InAPPropriate" "InAPPropriate movie" "InAPPropriate Trailer" "InAPPropriate Trailer #2" "InAPPropriate Comedy Trailer #2" "InAPPropriate Hd" "InAPPropriate 2013" "Rob Schneider" "Michelle Rodriguez" "Adrien Brody" "Lindsay Lohan" "Ari Shaffir" "Chloe Dykstra" "Anna Akana" "Jonathan Spencer" "Filmisnoweu" "machinima" "coming soon"
Release Date: March 22nd, 2013
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Rob Schneider, Michelle Rodriguez, Adrien Brody, Lindsay Lohan, Ari Shaffir, Chloe Dykstra, Anna Akana, Jonathan Spencer
Directors: Vince Offer
Studio: Freestyle Releasing
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"InAPPropriate" "InAPPropriate movie" "InAPPropriate Trailer" "InAPPropriate Trailer #2" "InAPPropriate Comedy Trailer #2" "InAPPropriate Hd" "InAPPropriate 2013" "Rob Schneider" "Michelle Rodriguez" "Adrien Brody" "Lindsay Lohan" "Ari Shaffir" "Chloe Dykstra" "Anna Akana" "Jonathan Spencer" "Filmisnoweu" "machinima" "coming soon"