• 9 years ago
A World War II piston fighter aircraft. Made better by adding the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, kicked the luftwaffe's butt back to Germany and then some. It is one of the best aircraft ever flown and certainly one of the most graceful. Is armed with six .50 caliber browning M2 machine guns, and capable of phenominal range and speeds in excess of 430 mph. The D variant was the most numerable and is still seen at airshows and racing at Reno. Also known as P-51.

P-51A - First version, powered by allison v-1710, 4 machine guns

A-36 - Army Dive bomber version

P-51 B/C - Powered by Allision v-1650, which was the merlin built under liscense in the us, 4 machine guns

P-51D - Powered by Merlins and Packard liscence built engines, 6 machine guns and bubble canopy

Mustang definition by Urban Dictionary

