I\'m a boy-anorexic

  • 8 years ago
With subtitles and sound in sync.

I'm A Child Anorexic Documentary Documentary which follows the progress of 12-year-old Natasha and 13-year-old Naomi through their treatment at Rhodes ...

Simon who featured in this documentary has a video blog on anorexia, check it out:- It isn't just girls who are affected by ...

Documentary which follows the progress of 12-year-old Natasha and 13-year-old Naomi through their treatment at Rhodes Farm, a residential clinic which treats ...

O documentário mostra o cotidiano de meninas, de 7 à 12 anos, com anorexia e bulimia internadas numa clínica de recuperação, na Inglaterra. O vídeo foi ...

Miranda turned eight years old last week. For her birthday, her parents took her to a pizza parlour, where she ate pasta and ice-cream. For any other child, .

When Kids have eating disorders Child Anorexia Full Documentary Full HD.

I'm A Child Anorexic

I'm A Child Anorexic
