• 8 yıl önce
Description: An ancient Egyptian statue on display at the Manchester Museum seems was caught moving, or more specifically rotating. The statue, a simple figurine placed into a small tomb around 1800 B.C, stood perfectly still for decades since it was donated to the museum. However, when museum workers moved the statue a few feet from its original position, it began to slowly rotate. The rotation is so slow, its barely noticeable. Museum curator Campbell Price noticed that the statue was facing a slightly different direction each time he saw it. Curious, museum officials set up a camera to observe the statue and sped up the footage to see the statues movement. It turned out, the statue was moving, but only during the day. At night, it was perfectly still. The figure spun around 180 degrees, showing an inscription in the back which asks for beer. Price attributed the movement to the vibrations caused by foot traffic. Join Mike and Yi as they discuss possible reasons why the statue seems to have taken on a life of its own.
