• 9 years ago
Ciu gust is megl che uan! HUMBLE BUNDLE:

WARNING: This is REAL retro gaming! Be prepared for vast, unique levels with challenging boss battles! MANOS: The ...

Ah yes, this fake handicap scene from the cult classic Manos, Hands of Fate (1966) didn't exactly bring in multiple Oscar nominations. Universally recognized as ...

Movies covered in this part: 01:35 Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) 04:39 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) 08:58 Troll...

This is a clip from the worst movie ever made. Hands (of Fate) down. And always remember: TORGO HAS LARGEST KNEES!

The stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 are coming back to select movie theaters nationwide for only one night to take on one of the worst films of all time: ...

Uno dei films più poveri della storia. Trama davvero da decerebrati e una regia da denuncia! Questo è Manos!

Get it today at Inspired by a 1966 cult-classic film, MANOS: The Hands of Fate is pure retro-gaming at its finest! While on ...

The legendary final sketch of the episode, "Manos: The Hands of Fate," with Mike doing a dead on impression of Torgo. That Torgo really is the clown that makes ...

This is a gift to all of you. Watch and enjoy the awesomeness that is MST3K!!! I know others have uploaded this as well, but there can never be too many uploads ...

I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.

In episode 424 the poor crew on the Satellite of Love are subjected to what is probably one of the worst atrocities in movie history -- "Manos" The Hands of Fate.

Watch the entire film with annotations! Learn the meaning behind every reference made by Joel, Servo and Crow, no matter how obscure. And if we missed ...

The first scene with torgo in manos hands of fate one of the worst movies ever made.

A trailer I cut for the film "Manos The Hands of Fate".

ISCRIVETEVI, COMMENTATE, CONDIVIDETE! Si ritorna alla normalità. Questo è il canale di VegethPower: Un ...

Torgo from Manos: Hands of Fate and his haunting theme. Torgo Fans Update: 6th March 2012 - Good News. After nothing seemed to be happening with my ...

Iba a hacer una review diferente...pero el Amo no lo aprobaría. Mis Páginas en las Redes Sociales: Facebook: ...

A trailer I made for "Manos: The Hands of Fate". I wanted to see if a trailer could be made for "Manos", done in the style of today's trailers.

A weird cult of women solve their differences with a catfight.

Manos, the Hands of Fate. La PEOR película de la historia. Tan mala que

Manos The Hands of Fate

Manos The Hands of Fate
