white hat meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
a certain type of people who are usually college guys or recent college grads. they wear white hats embroidered with their favorite logo (most likely it is their college) or hollister surf co.

some characteristics of white hats are:
- always listen to same type of music. and it has to be approved by their friends and liked by the masses. example: dave mathews band, pearl jam, jack jackson
- when they come home for break they always hang out with their old friends from high school.
- they act the same way they did in high school. with quicker and easier access to beer (in most cases) they play beer pong and flip cup for hours
- they get dressed up to go to starbucks
- their usual attire includes jeans and a t-shirt underneath a buttoned-up shirt. and of course their white hat.
- frat boys
- most of their conversations usually start out with "hey did you go to that party last night?"

white hat definition by Urban Dictionary

