TORTURE SHIP (1939) Lyle Talbot - Irving Pichel

  • 8 years ago
Captured criminals are subject to a mad scientist's experiments about a ship.

A mad scientist performs experiments on the criminal mind on captured criminals on board his private ship. A well known doctor is indicted for his experiments.

Torture Ship is a 1939 American film directed by Victor Halperin. A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his ...

A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship. More Horror Movies At ...

A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship (IMDB).

A mad doctor of the high seas believes he can cure criminals with glandular injections The criminals disagree and end up turning the tables on the mad doctor ...

A mad doctor of the high seas believes he can cure criminals with glandular injections The ...

Torture Ship - Full Movie.

Torture Ship, starring nobody, from a million years ago, here in its public domain entirety.

A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship. *** Director: Victor Halperin Writer: Jack London ...

NETFLIX FREE 1 Year subscription: Torture Ship is a strange amalgam of crime thriller and horror chiller that can't quite make up its mind what ...

Torture Ship - Full Movie

Torture Ship - Full Movie