Rampart - Extra Video Clip 1

  • 13 anni fa
Rampart - Movie Extra Video Clip: Basato su un racconto di James Ellroy "Rampart" segue un singolo agente di polizia durante uno scandalo sulla corruzione dell'unità contro le gang della Rampant Division del LAPD alla fine degli anni novanta. Più di 70 ufficiali sono stati implicati in violazioni dei doveri tra sparatorie non provocate, pestaggi, l'impianto di prove, l'incastrare dei sospetti, rubare e commerciare stupefacenti, rapine in banca, spergiuro e occultamento di prove.
Rampart - Movie Extra Video Clip: A genre-bending, 1990s Los Angeles police family drama, Rampart explores the dark soul and romantic misadventures of a never- changing LAPD cop (Woody Harrelson) whose past is finally catching up with him in the wake of a department-wide corruption scandal. Along the way, he is forced to confront his disgruntled daughters (Brie Larson, Sammy Boyarsky), his two ex-wives (Anne Heche, Cynthia Nixon), a tenacious Deputy DA (Sigourney Weaver), an investigator on his trail (Ice Cube), a homeless witness to his crimes (Ben Foster), his aging mentor (Ned Beatty) and a mysterious new lover who may or may not be on his side (Robin Wright), as he fights for his own sanity and survival.

Woody Harrelson
Ben Foster
Ice Cube
Steve Buscemi
Anne Heche

Director: Oren Moverman

Genre: Crime, Drama

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