Poll: Lapid gaining support, Netanyahu losing power

  • 8 years ago
A poll ordered by Moshe Kahlon's Kulanu party shows that MK Yair Lapid's party Yesh Atid is garnering more and more support, while the Likud party is losing its power.
According to the poll, conducted three weeks ago, if elections were held today, the ruling Likud party would get 23 of the Knesset's 120 seats, a major drop from the 30 it current holds.
Meanwhile, Lapid's party would get 20 seats, a significant hike to the 11 it currently has.
At such a situation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not be able to form a government with his current partners, as his 61 MKs coalition drops to 57 MKs and fails to reach the majority needed in the Knesset to maintain stability.
Another recent poll from earlier this week, ordered by Channel 2, showed that 68 percent of Israelis were not happy with the way Netanyahu has been handling the ongoing wave of terrorism.