• 9 years ago
Taken from the album The New International Sound Of Hedonism
Available on Vinyl LP , CD or download from


six a.m., the sun is coming up
and i'm sitting on a bench in westerpark with my fake carreras on
well i'm feeling halfway spun, i'm singing with the bums
but there's a smile on my face man i got love for everyone

cause when life gives me lemons
i make gin and tonics
and when things get fucked up
that's when i'm happiest

and i know what you’re thinking
that it looks like i've been up for weeks
and i'm sweating and i'm shaking but i'm smiling
cause i know it's gonna be okay

so i'll keep my flip flops on
you can keep your fucking job
and if ya put me in a cubicle
i'll use it to hang my hammock up
and if you kiss this frog
you ain't gonna get no prince
you'll probably just get something
you need a prescription to fix

©Bomber Music Ltd


