To all of their guests' surprise, the Bride & Groom help two of their best friends get engaged at their wedding reception by the "throwing" of the bouquet, ending in ...
Ellen helped a viewer, Wendell, plan the perfect surprise proposal on the show. His girlfriend, Nina, will never forget this romantic Valentine's Day!
Nam and Trang met eachother on the campus of UCLA. He decided to bring her back to where they met for the ultimate ...
With the help of my friends, I proposed to my longtime girlfriend in Pisa Cafe. Everything took 2 weeks of planning without her knowing. I thought of this original ...
Follow Tyson & Hayley on their new YouTube Channel that's all about them! Follow me on ...
On October 9, 2014, my boyfriend,now fiance, surprised me with the best proposal I could have ever dreamed of! I was completely shocked and am beyond ...
Mike proposes to Michelle at his nursing school graduation. Video Produced by Split Path Media: ...
A surprise wedding proposal at the end of John Legends performance of "All of me"
With the help of three puppies I proposed to my longtime girlfriend in Central Park. She goes crazy for every puppy she sees, but can never spend too much time ...
this is jon proposing to brit at school and she has no idea it is going to happen! Priceless!!!!!
Ellen had a big surprise for this couple in the audience, but she wasn't the only one with a surprise!
An amazingly orchestrated wedding proposal that I caught live in Madison Square Park. After the surprise production number in the park for this girl, they rode off ...
Plus One+1影像工作室「只有一件事可以使靈魂完整,那就是愛。」《為愛朗讀》 獻給相信愛的人.
My little sister Emma hasn't seen her Fiancé in 100 days because he was at Basic Training after joining the Air Force early this fall. They knew they wanted to get ...
At the Dec. 5 Bulls game vs. the Miami Heat, Chicago Luvabull Ariana was surprised by her teammates and boyfriend with a marriage proposal production.
Kevin and Molly's Surprise Photo Booth Wedding Proposal 12-16-14 Special thanks to for making this possible!
watch the wedding video now :) charles twitter: alli's twitter: our ...
Emotion Rise(Facebook(twitter(@EmotionRise) 前回もこのJR大阪駅 ...
We just wanted to share our special engagement with everyone. Lots of love was put into this proposal to ask 2 women to be in my life forever. Hope you guys ...
Emotion Rise(Facebook(twitter(@EmotionRise) 大好評EmotionRise ...
tstiii Coach Barnhart asking his girlfriend to marry him!
A Surprise Proposal
A Surprise Proposal
Ellen helped a viewer, Wendell, plan the perfect surprise proposal on the show. His girlfriend, Nina, will never forget this romantic Valentine's Day!
Nam and Trang met eachother on the campus of UCLA. He decided to bring her back to where they met for the ultimate ...
With the help of my friends, I proposed to my longtime girlfriend in Pisa Cafe. Everything took 2 weeks of planning without her knowing. I thought of this original ...
Follow Tyson & Hayley on their new YouTube Channel that's all about them! Follow me on ...
On October 9, 2014, my boyfriend,now fiance, surprised me with the best proposal I could have ever dreamed of! I was completely shocked and am beyond ...
Mike proposes to Michelle at his nursing school graduation. Video Produced by Split Path Media: ...
A surprise wedding proposal at the end of John Legends performance of "All of me"
With the help of three puppies I proposed to my longtime girlfriend in Central Park. She goes crazy for every puppy she sees, but can never spend too much time ...
this is jon proposing to brit at school and she has no idea it is going to happen! Priceless!!!!!
Ellen had a big surprise for this couple in the audience, but she wasn't the only one with a surprise!
An amazingly orchestrated wedding proposal that I caught live in Madison Square Park. After the surprise production number in the park for this girl, they rode off ...
Plus One+1影像工作室「只有一件事可以使靈魂完整,那就是愛。」《為愛朗讀》 獻給相信愛的人.
My little sister Emma hasn't seen her Fiancé in 100 days because he was at Basic Training after joining the Air Force early this fall. They knew they wanted to get ...
At the Dec. 5 Bulls game vs. the Miami Heat, Chicago Luvabull Ariana was surprised by her teammates and boyfriend with a marriage proposal production.
Kevin and Molly's Surprise Photo Booth Wedding Proposal 12-16-14 Special thanks to for making this possible!
watch the wedding video now :) charles twitter: alli's twitter: our ...
Emotion Rise(Facebook(twitter(@EmotionRise) 前回もこのJR大阪駅 ...
We just wanted to share our special engagement with everyone. Lots of love was put into this proposal to ask 2 women to be in my life forever. Hope you guys ...
Emotion Rise(Facebook(twitter(@EmotionRise) 大好評EmotionRise ...
tstiii Coach Barnhart asking his girlfriend to marry him!
A Surprise Proposal
A Surprise Proposal