Sridevi's comeback to bollywood has been a dream. After taking a sabbatical to be wife and mother to Boney Kapoor and their children, Sridevi's chaal of the Chalbaaz fame has made a huge u turn. Sri is back with a bang, looking years younger, healthier and prettier.
Chandni's secret
She confesses it all to being more aware of her diet and above all to the nectar of her youth, water. While most moms keenly watch what goes into their children's tiffins, Sri admits that she is very particular about water as most ailments are water borne.
Mrs India
This is the first ad that the Southern belle has signed in her second innings in Bollywood. Catch her in the Making of the Fiona water purifiers.
Chandni's secret
She confesses it all to being more aware of her diet and above all to the nectar of her youth, water. While most moms keenly watch what goes into their children's tiffins, Sri admits that she is very particular about water as most ailments are water borne.
Mrs India
This is the first ad that the Southern belle has signed in her second innings in Bollywood. Catch her in the Making of the Fiona water purifiers.
Short film