Help your kids learn their ABCs! Buy MP3 at: BUY ALBUM: .\r
Download the Alphabet Videos: Download the Alphabet Songs: .\r
A very creative ABC Alphabet rap for kids. This is fun to watch for both kids and older people alike. The kids are sure to love the cool style of the rapper and learn .\r
HARRYKINDERGARTENMUSIC.COM Learnin My Letters with Mr. Harry! An alphabet hip-hop song for kiddos. Enjoy! To purchase a .m4a audio file or .mp4 .
Download the Alphabet Videos: Download the Alphabet Songs: .\r
A very creative ABC Alphabet rap for kids. This is fun to watch for both kids and older people alike. The kids are sure to love the cool style of the rapper and learn .\r
HARRYKINDERGARTENMUSIC.COM Learnin My Letters with Mr. Harry! An alphabet hip-hop song for kiddos. Enjoy! To purchase a .m4a audio file or .mp4 .
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