hockey meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
The best and most entertaining sport out there. PERIOD.

Sadly, hockey's greatness isn't appreciated everywhere. But in Canada, we live and breathe this game, this one sport is intrinsically what links a nation together, it's a part of our heritage.

We even celebrate "Hockey Day in Canada." The passion and love for this game extends to young and old alike, children in pee wee games across the country dream about living the ultimate fantasy and playing in the NHL.

Nothing brings together a city more than a winning local team, nothing brings together a country more than winning on an international level(again, and again and again, I might add).

I get goosebumps when the crowd sings along with O' Canada, I feel giddy when I hear the HNIC theme song, I leave work early or skip class when my schedule interferes with a hockey game, I wear my hockey jersies proudly after a big win, I have crazy game day rituals and I jump up when we score. I'm blissfully happy when my team wins and torn after a loss.

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