Star Hustler Jack Horkheimer Old 1990 Episodes - Part 9
Greetings, greetings fellow Star Gazers! When I was growing up, Jack Horkheimer was a show I never missed. Even though it was only 5 minutes a week, I loved it. He brought me closer to astronomy and taught me how to find constellations and planets so easily.
In rememberance to Jack, I'll be posting all the episodes that I had taped back in the 1980s and 1990s on VHS and transfered to video for all to see and enjoy.
I hope you all enjoy and always remember, Keep Looking Up!!!
RIP - Jack Horkheimer
Greetings, greetings fellow Star Gazers! When I was growing up, Jack Horkheimer was a show I never missed. Even though it was only 5 minutes a week, I loved it. He brought me closer to astronomy and taught me how to find constellations and planets so easily.
In rememberance to Jack, I'll be posting all the episodes that I had taped back in the 1980s and 1990s on VHS and transfered to video for all to see and enjoy.
I hope you all enjoy and always remember, Keep Looking Up!!!
RIP - Jack Horkheimer