The Bataan Death March (Japanese: バターン死の行進 Hepburn: Batān Shi no Kōshin?, Filipino: Martsa ng Kamatayan sa Bataan), which began on April 9, 1942 .\r
In late January 1945, 121 Ranger volunteers set out to perform a rescue of over 513 Allied prisoners of war in a Japanese camp near the Philippine city of .\r
During World War II, everything from aircraft to small arms evolved and changed. Some of these new discoveries were dangerously effective, such as the atomic .
In late January 1945, 121 Ranger volunteers set out to perform a rescue of over 513 Allied prisoners of war in a Japanese camp near the Philippine city of .\r
During World War II, everything from aircraft to small arms evolved and changed. Some of these new discoveries were dangerously effective, such as the atomic .
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