WHATS GOING ON!(SIDENOTE This was gonna be my 200th video special so sorry I forgot to announce that little detail ok take care guys laters) bros women bronies and pegasisters its Nintendofreak2011 (aka Criticismguy2009) back here again with the Final and last one for a while MLP FIM episode review.Season 3 Episode 14 Magical Mystery Cure.So before I do begin I know its almost bee n about a week Since i did any vlog Reviews.Its because Ive been having a couple of personal issues at the household with my roomies and shit about some sensitive topics that i really dont wanna go into.Other than that basically this episode is all about How Twilight Sparkle Ended up ruining her friends cutie marks and their destinies of what tasks, goals and Achievements are suppose to be about.They break out a lot into song (about 7 songs total plus the mlp theme intro) really good memorable songs like that what my cutie mark is telling meaka my Destiny,and A true true friend as well, and a couple other ones but dont remember the title for them unfourtunatly =( but good news is that at the end of the episode Twilight Sparkle finally becomes and transforms int an Alicorn .Leaving at the end of the episode and the season a really huge celebration of her becoming a new princess of Canterlot ,Ponyville and the Rest of Equestria at her hooves.Also there are some special appearances of some back round ponies like Sunflower sunshine,DJ Pon-3 (aka Vinyl Scratch for like 2 seconds in the fluttershy making ponies laugh scene)Dr.Hooves,Princess cadence and Shining armor too, at the end when he Congratulates his little sister Twilight for becoming a princess pony of Equestria! =D They Even Showed Twilights Parents Mr. and Mrs Sparkle.Aka nightlight and twilights mom (which i forgot her name but looks exactly like her except the lower part of her mane is curled like Raritys) and at the end of the episode they show twilight fly off with her new found wings from her transformation of an Alicorn.Overall the episode was amazing and was surprised that they didnt split it up into a 2 part episode like season 1 and 2 were with a bad guy at the end of the season.I really like all the backround ponies they brought back, and I really hope for season 4 they bring back Queen Chrysalis again so maybe they can make her good instead of evil like Fluttershy did with The last season 2 villain Discord lmao =D So thats all I got for now everypony .So peace out bros women bronies and pegasisters for the last tiem for this series until around October or November of this year when the 4th season starts up ^_^ I think im gonna do that series on my NintendoAnimemangagy360 channel instead because this channel doesnt allow me to use photo thumbnails for my vlogs and it fucking sucks ass =( So see you guys around on the next one peace out and im outta here alters IM GTFO of here and be safe dont drink and drive dont smoke too much weed and talk soon byes!
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