YAY! The Season 4 is the finally complete! Now thats all thats left is the complete episode of I Can Do That!. from Season 2, the complete episodes of the .\r
Its Tradition. Barney & Friends learn about different kinds of family traditions through songs and games. For more fun with Barney and all his friends, visit the .\r
Canciones/Songs -Tema de Barney (Barney Theme Song) (0:00) -Pat una Torta (Pat-a-Cake) (1:16) -Es una Tradición de la Familia (Its A Family Tradition) .
Its Tradition. Barney & Friends learn about different kinds of family traditions through songs and games. For more fun with Barney and all his friends, visit the .\r
Canciones/Songs -Tema de Barney (Barney Theme Song) (0:00) -Pat una Torta (Pat-a-Cake) (1:16) -Es una Tradición de la Familia (Its A Family Tradition) .
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