• 9 years ago
On April 24th, 1915, 1.5 million Armenians were brutally wiped off the face of the Earth in a genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire- a genocide that may never be remembered. Official recognition of the Genocide has evaded Armenia and her people since then. The Turks still deny official recognition of the genocide to this day.

This issue bears no prejudice toward the Turks, but they need to come to terms with their history, and the Armenian Genocide needs to be recognized by the world. No matter how much the event is denied, history cannot be rewritten, and 1.5 million people did not simply vanish.

People are working toward the official recognition of the event, and the USA is on the verge of officially recognising the 1915 genocide. A band (whom in my opinion are the greatest band ever by the way), System of a Down, with all their members in Armenian descent, have the US recognition of the genocide as one of their greatest goals and have even written a song about it, PLUCK.

While persuading his associates that a Jewish holocaust would be tolerated by the west, Hitler stated:
"Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

No, I'm not Armenian. But hopefully you would at least be aware of this event after reading this.

Armenian Genocide definition by Urban Dictionary

