Redneck meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
After reading most of these i realize that people have no idea what Rednecks are. We are called racist but most people posting are more racist towards us than we are towards any minority. You say we are sister bangers, nascar lovers, toothless, imbred, ignorant and broke. Those are white trash people. Some Rednecks love nascar and thats fine but that doesnt mean we all do. We are hard workers that love our family, friends and country. You say we drive rusted old trucks and cars and live in mobile homes and shacks. Truth is most of us have better vehicles and houses than the average person because we arent lazy and we work hard for the things we have. We hunt, fish and spend time outdoors but we obey the law doing these things because we want everybody to be able to enjoy these things. So think next time before you point fingers and say we are just ignorant and useless. I would like to see you try to fix your own vehicle.

Redneck definition by Urban Dictionary