• il y a 9 ans
Pitch :
In a post-apocalyptic world where half the population is dead or missing and the sky is full of autonomous drones, 16-year-old Kitch sets out to find his father, joined by his drone companion.
Dans un monde post-apocalyptique où la moitié de la population est morte ou disparue, le ciel est plein de drones autonomes. Kitch, 16 ans, part à la recherche de son père avec son compagnon de drone.

Director : Chad Kapper
Screenplay : Rotor DR1 Community, Steve Moses, Chad Kapper, Megan Ryberg, Seth Yergin & Scott Windhauser
Editing : Patrick Casteel, Michael Cameneti
Production : StoneKap Entertainment
Main actress : Natalie Welch
Main actor : Christian Kapper
Original Music : Patrick Casteel