O, the indignity! Gordon runs out of steam because of a leak in his boiler he refused to get checked over! Subscribe for new fun, songs, and games at the Official .\r
O, the indignity! Gordon runs out of steam because of a leak in his boiler! He realized he should have listened to Paxton and have gotten checked over earlier!\r
Gordon Runs Dry Gordon springs a leak in his boiler, but ignores advice and carries on. Written by Andrew Brenner Narrated by Mark Moraghan Voices Ben .\r
No Steam Without Coal Bill and Ben tease Timothy for running on oil, but when the clay pits run out of coal its Timothy who comes to the rescue. Written by .
O, the indignity! Gordon runs out of steam because of a leak in his boiler! He realized he should have listened to Paxton and have gotten checked over earlier!\r
Gordon Runs Dry Gordon springs a leak in his boiler, but ignores advice and carries on. Written by Andrew Brenner Narrated by Mark Moraghan Voices Ben .\r
No Steam Without Coal Bill and Ben tease Timothy for running on oil, but when the clay pits run out of coal its Timothy who comes to the rescue. Written by .
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