A peacock does the mating dance with a peahen and then successfully mates with her.
When mating season comes, the peacock puts on a show to attract the peahen. The peacock raises his long colorful tail feathers ..
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A white peacock successfully mates. What a beautiful white peacock! Came across this at a zoo in China. We were so surprised !
These magnificent birds are quite a sight to see. This is especially true during their mating season. Through spring into early summer, peacocks will form what is known as a lek. A lek is a group of males, each with their own small territory, taking part in mating rituals such as displaying their train, dancing, and calling out in order to attract the females. The peacock will use its stiff tail feathers to lift its long train unfolding it into a fan that is about 6 or 7 feet wide. By spreading its train, the peacock displays its brightly colored feathers in hopes of attracting a mate. He will also make his feathers vibrate performing a little dance to further entice a peahen. Peahens will tend to pick peacocks with longer trains with more elaborate ocelli, or eye spots, and more vivid patterning. At the end of their mating season, the peacocks’ feathers will begin to molt, only to be replaced by a new set of beautiful feathers 7 months later.
The peahen has the challenging task of raising the peachicks by herself. Each peahen generally lays between three to eight eggs in a nest she’s made called a clutch. The incubation period is about 28 to 30 days. The chicks are able to walk and forage with the guidance of the mother right away. Around two months of age, both male and female peachicks will have the same coloring as the peahen. It isn’t until two years of age that the male will have his mature coloring and grow the long train feathers.
peacock mating videopeacock mating dance displaypeacock mating ritualpeacock mating henpeacock mating callpeacock mating soundwhite peacock mating
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When mating season comes, the peacock puts on a show to attract the peahen. The peacock raises his long colorful tail feathers ..
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A white peacock successfully mates. What a beautiful white peacock! Came across this at a zoo in China. We were so surprised !
These magnificent birds are quite a sight to see. This is especially true during their mating season. Through spring into early summer, peacocks will form what is known as a lek. A lek is a group of males, each with their own small territory, taking part in mating rituals such as displaying their train, dancing, and calling out in order to attract the females. The peacock will use its stiff tail feathers to lift its long train unfolding it into a fan that is about 6 or 7 feet wide. By spreading its train, the peacock displays its brightly colored feathers in hopes of attracting a mate. He will also make his feathers vibrate performing a little dance to further entice a peahen. Peahens will tend to pick peacocks with longer trains with more elaborate ocelli, or eye spots, and more vivid patterning. At the end of their mating season, the peacocks’ feathers will begin to molt, only to be replaced by a new set of beautiful feathers 7 months later.
The peahen has the challenging task of raising the peachicks by herself. Each peahen generally lays between three to eight eggs in a nest she’s made called a clutch. The incubation period is about 28 to 30 days. The chicks are able to walk and forage with the guidance of the mother right away. Around two months of age, both male and female peachicks will have the same coloring as the peahen. It isn’t until two years of age that the male will have his mature coloring and grow the long train feathers.
peacock mating videopeacock mating dance displaypeacock mating ritualpeacock mating henpeacock mating callpeacock mating soundwhite peacock mating
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