This is one of the most dangerous of all snakes in the world when it comes to humans and bites. The pain is unbearable and unlike anything you have experienced before. It is necessary to get medical treatment immediately because the venom will spread rapidly. A person can be extremely ill in an hour or two after the bite occurs.
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It is important to understand that the King Cobra has a very long striking distance. In a matter of seconds they can strike several feet from where they are located. This is one of the reasons why people do get bit. The other factor is that this is one snake that has a rapid fire response. They may only bite once but in most cases they will do it over and over again in a matter of seconds.
The longest venomous snake in the world is the King Cobra. This is a snake that has many people worried because of the way they look and the size of them. There are many deaths that they are help responsible for too. However, it is usually from the infection and so proper medical treatment is very important. There are many sub species of Cobras but this is the largest one.
They can grow up to 18 ½ feet! However, in most locations they are going to be about 13 feet in length. When they are fully grown they will weigh about 20 pounds. The males tend to be thicker around and to be longer. They also feature a wide head that is very large overall.
They are fast moving snakes with amazing agility. The color for the King Cobra will depend on the location where they live. They need colors that allow them to have sufficient camouflage. That provides them with the cover they need for finding prey as well as remaining harder for predators to locate.
The King Cobra is the largest venomous snake. The solitary King Cobra lives in rainforests, tropical deciduous forests, tropical scrub forests, and tropical grasslands of India, southern China, and southeast Asia. Several of people die from the bite of the King Cobra each year. A King Cobra can even kill an elephant.
The King Cobra can slither on land, climb on trees, and swim on water; it often lives near water. It has a life span of about 20 years.
The Hood: When the King Cobra is threatened or on the attack, it will hiss, rear up, and flatten its neck ribs into a hood. There are false eyespots on the hood, which can scare some predators.
Anatomy: King Cobras have been found up to 18 feet (5.5 m) long, but average about 13 ft (4 m) long. Its hollow fangs are up to 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) long. Poison is forced through the fangs when the cobra bites. The scaly skin glistens but is dry to the touch. Adults are yellow, green, brown, or black; the throat is light yellow or cream-colored. Juveniles are black with yellow or white bars crossing the body. The King Cobra smells using its forked tongue. Although it is deaf to sounds, it can feel vibrations (like footsteps).
Like all snakes, King Cobras are cold-blooded; they are the same temperature as the environment. They continue to grow all their lives, getting bigger and bigger each year.
Hunting and Diet: The King Cobra is a carnivore (meat-eater). King Cobras are venomous; one bite can paralyze and kill their prey within minutes. The victim dies from suffocation, as the lungs and heart stop.
Like all snakes, they swallow the prey whole, head first. The top and bottom jaws are attached to each other with stretchy ligaments, which let the snake swallow animals wider that itself. Snakes cant chew their prey; food is digested by very strong acids in the snakes stomach.
The King Cobra eats mostly cold-blooded animals, including snakes (like the rat snake) and lizards. After swallowing a large animal (which can take hours), the King Cobra can go without food for months.
Reproduction: Female King Cobras build a leafy nest early in spring; they lay up to 20 to 50 white, leathery eggs, which have an incubation period of 60 to 70 days. Nesting females are very dangerous.
Classification: Class Reptilia (reptiles), Order Squamata (lizards and snakes), Suborder Serpentes, Family Elapidae, Genus Ophiophagus, Species hannah.
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It is important to understand that the King Cobra has a very long striking distance. In a matter of seconds they can strike several feet from where they are located. This is one of the reasons why people do get bit. The other factor is that this is one snake that has a rapid fire response. They may only bite once but in most cases they will do it over and over again in a matter of seconds.
The longest venomous snake in the world is the King Cobra. This is a snake that has many people worried because of the way they look and the size of them. There are many deaths that they are help responsible for too. However, it is usually from the infection and so proper medical treatment is very important. There are many sub species of Cobras but this is the largest one.
They can grow up to 18 ½ feet! However, in most locations they are going to be about 13 feet in length. When they are fully grown they will weigh about 20 pounds. The males tend to be thicker around and to be longer. They also feature a wide head that is very large overall.
They are fast moving snakes with amazing agility. The color for the King Cobra will depend on the location where they live. They need colors that allow them to have sufficient camouflage. That provides them with the cover they need for finding prey as well as remaining harder for predators to locate.
The King Cobra is the largest venomous snake. The solitary King Cobra lives in rainforests, tropical deciduous forests, tropical scrub forests, and tropical grasslands of India, southern China, and southeast Asia. Several of people die from the bite of the King Cobra each year. A King Cobra can even kill an elephant.
The King Cobra can slither on land, climb on trees, and swim on water; it often lives near water. It has a life span of about 20 years.
The Hood: When the King Cobra is threatened or on the attack, it will hiss, rear up, and flatten its neck ribs into a hood. There are false eyespots on the hood, which can scare some predators.
Anatomy: King Cobras have been found up to 18 feet (5.5 m) long, but average about 13 ft (4 m) long. Its hollow fangs are up to 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) long. Poison is forced through the fangs when the cobra bites. The scaly skin glistens but is dry to the touch. Adults are yellow, green, brown, or black; the throat is light yellow or cream-colored. Juveniles are black with yellow or white bars crossing the body. The King Cobra smells using its forked tongue. Although it is deaf to sounds, it can feel vibrations (like footsteps).
Like all snakes, King Cobras are cold-blooded; they are the same temperature as the environment. They continue to grow all their lives, getting bigger and bigger each year.
Hunting and Diet: The King Cobra is a carnivore (meat-eater). King Cobras are venomous; one bite can paralyze and kill their prey within minutes. The victim dies from suffocation, as the lungs and heart stop.
Like all snakes, they swallow the prey whole, head first. The top and bottom jaws are attached to each other with stretchy ligaments, which let the snake swallow animals wider that itself. Snakes cant chew their prey; food is digested by very strong acids in the snakes stomach.
The King Cobra eats mostly cold-blooded animals, including snakes (like the rat snake) and lizards. After swallowing a large animal (which can take hours), the King Cobra can go without food for months.
Reproduction: Female King Cobras build a leafy nest early in spring; they lay up to 20 to 50 white, leathery eggs, which have an incubation period of 60 to 70 days. Nesting females are very dangerous.
Classification: Class Reptilia (reptiles), Order Squamata (lizards and snakes), Suborder Serpentes, Family Elapidae, Genus Ophiophagus, Species hannah.
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