Just having a good time. Lolz Enjoy! :) Also, follow us on Twitter! @MelanieIglesias & @LisaaRamos Be sure to catch us in .\r
KATE UPTON GETS SERVED BY MELANIE IGLESIAS & LISA RAMOS Melanie Iglesias Lisa Ramos Kate Upton Dance off Cat daddy Battle Silly Goofy Girl .\r
Kate Upton did a dance for Terry Richardson and then Melanie Igelsias apparently served her. I decided to serve YOU instead of them in my Kate Upton dance .
KATE UPTON GETS SERVED BY MELANIE IGLESIAS & LISA RAMOS Melanie Iglesias Lisa Ramos Kate Upton Dance off Cat daddy Battle Silly Goofy Girl .\r
Kate Upton did a dance for Terry Richardson and then Melanie Igelsias apparently served her. I decided to serve YOU instead of them in my Kate Upton dance .
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