Is Jordan hiding how many Palestinians in the country?

  • 8 years ago
At the end of November last year Jordan conducted its first census in 11 years.
The number of residents in Jordan today stands at 9.5 million, an increase of 4.4 million from the last census in 2004.
The dramatic increase is partly attributable to the influx of refugees from Syria over the last five years, which has had a heavy impact on Jordan's economy and society.
According to the report in the Jordanian newspaper, the number of Palestinians living in the kingdom stands at 634,000 – more than six percent of the population.
No further details on that aspect were provided, probably because of the authorities' desire to show that there is a Jordanian majority in the country and that this isn't threatened by the large number of Palestinian refugees.
According to global estimates, however, and in contrast to the census data, over half of the Jordanian population is Palestinian.


