Mr. Cruz is right about ending the ethanol mandate

  • 8 years ago
WE CAN think of dozens of good reasons why Sen. Ted Cruz should not win the Iowa caucuses.
Unfortunately, Mr. Cruz’s opponents seem to care only about bad ones.
One such is Mr. Cruz’s support for ending Washington’s ethanol mandate, which requires that increasing amounts of biofuel be blended into the national gasoline supply.
Mr. Cruz wants to phase out the mandate.
Iowa agricultural interests including a pressure group led by Republican Gov. Terry Branstad’s son have slammed the senator for supposedly putting Big Oil above Big Corn.
Their mobilization includes anti-Cruz commercials, pamphlets and a pro-ethanol trailer following Mr. Cruz from campaign stop to campaign stop.
Other candidates, such as Sen. Marco Rubio, are rushing to claim any Iowa voters who turn away from Mr. Cruz, playing up support from the agriculture lobby.