everclear meaning and pronunciation

  • 9 years ago
A clear liquid with the following properties:

1) 95% alcohol (190 proof). This means
1 shot everclear = about 2 1/2 shots of most other hard liquors
2) Very flammable
3) Has a warning on the bottle that you should NOT drink it straight
4) Nobody really follows the above warning
5) When poured into a shot and consumed, will burn your throat like battery acid would
6) Mixes very well with juice, creating a potent potable called "jungle juice"
7) Most people generally underestimate its power and drink way too much, resulting in regurgitation of dinner and possible stomach-pumping
8) Is not legal in many states, or in some states only in it's 76.5% (153 proof) form
9) Generally about $15 a fifth, but think how much alcohol you're getting...
10) Everclear will not get that girl drunk to the point where you can hit it. It will get her drunk to the point where she'll puke like there's no tomorrow and probably pass out. Stick with regular liquor in this endeavor.

everclear definition by Urban Dictionary