योग अनुसार आसन और प्राणायाम की स्थिति को मुद्रा कहा जाता है। बंध, क्रिया और मुद्रा में आसन और प्राणायाम दोनों का ही कार्य होता है। योग में मुद्राओं को आसन और प्राणायाम से भी बढ़कर माना जाता है। आसन से शरीर की हडि्डयाँ लचीली और मजबूत होती है जबकि मुद्राओं से शारीरिक और मानसिक शक्तियों का विकास होता है। मुद्राओं का संबंध शरीर के खुद काम करने वाले अंगों और स्नायुओं से है।
The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Mudras for Benefits:
Dhyan Mudra -Helps in insomnia, memory enhancement and keeps your mind calm.
Prithvi Mudra - Makes body sturdy. One experiences happiness.
Vaayu Mudra - Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease.
Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.
Soonya Mudra - Relief in diseases and pains relating to the ear.
Varun Mudra - Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease.Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.
Hriday Mudra - Reduces the accuracy of coronary diseases and heart attacks. Beneficial in all heart related problems.
Surya Mudra - Reduces weight of your body.
Apaan Mudra - Helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose etc. Helps when urine is obstructed, reduces constipation.
Saakat Mudra - It is effective in ridding you of mental tensions & pressures. Helps you control your temper. It brings you mental peace.
Ling Mudra - Produces heat in the body and helps in curing cold and cough.
Shankh Mudra - It effective in increasing the health of your heart. It helps in keeping your heart healthy.
Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :- http://bit.ly/Yog-Sadhana-App
The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Mudras for Benefits:
Dhyan Mudra -Helps in insomnia, memory enhancement and keeps your mind calm.
Prithvi Mudra - Makes body sturdy. One experiences happiness.
Vaayu Mudra - Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease.
Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.
Soonya Mudra - Relief in diseases and pains relating to the ear.
Varun Mudra - Helps in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease.Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.
Hriday Mudra - Reduces the accuracy of coronary diseases and heart attacks. Beneficial in all heart related problems.
Surya Mudra - Reduces weight of your body.
Apaan Mudra - Helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose etc. Helps when urine is obstructed, reduces constipation.
Saakat Mudra - It is effective in ridding you of mental tensions & pressures. Helps you control your temper. It brings you mental peace.
Ling Mudra - Produces heat in the body and helps in curing cold and cough.
Shankh Mudra - It effective in increasing the health of your heart. It helps in keeping your heart healthy.
Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :- http://bit.ly/Yog-Sadhana-App