Ustrasana; This is a graceful backbend that stretches and opens your entire body, particularly the frontal region. The neck, chest and quadriceps derive most of the benefit of this posture. Not only does it develop these regions, but it also works on and strengthens your back, significantly improving posture. If executed perfectly it can act as a stimulant for the abdominal organs, relieve menstrual pain, fatigue and indigestion, and ease back aches and pains.
1) Sit in Vajrasana i.e. squat on the floor, toes pointing backwards
2) Now, stand on your knees with arms at the sides
3) Spread knees about half a foot apart
4) Bend your body backwards and hold your ankles with both hands so that you end up looking at the ceiling
5) Push the abdomen forward as much as possible keeping the thighs vertical
6) Return to the starting position, slowly releasing the hands from the ankles, one at a time
7) Return to Vajrasana and relax breathing normally
8) As with all yoga, make sure to monitor and steady your breathing
9) Avoid this pose if you have any serious injury to your lower back or neck
Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :-
1) Sit in Vajrasana i.e. squat on the floor, toes pointing backwards
2) Now, stand on your knees with arms at the sides
3) Spread knees about half a foot apart
4) Bend your body backwards and hold your ankles with both hands so that you end up looking at the ceiling
5) Push the abdomen forward as much as possible keeping the thighs vertical
6) Return to the starting position, slowly releasing the hands from the ankles, one at a time
7) Return to Vajrasana and relax breathing normally
8) As with all yoga, make sure to monitor and steady your breathing
9) Avoid this pose if you have any serious injury to your lower back or neck
Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :-