• 9 years ago
This posture is great for alleviating back pain, sciatica, and supporting optimal liver function. Salabhasana, the locust, is the seventh of the 12 basic postures of hatha yoga, and the second of the three back-strengthening exercises that are part of a normal hatha yoga class. The main benefits of the locust are to build strength and flexibility in the back. The locust is the counter-stretch to the shoulder stand, the plough, and the seated forward bend. Before beginning the locust, the resting posture is done by laying on the stomach instead of the back.

There are two phases to shalabhasana during a yoga class. The first phase is called the half locust, where each leg is lifted and held one at a time. Following this is the full locust where both legs are lifted together. The half locust is a preparatory exercise for the full locust, strengthening and helping to warm up the muscles of the back.

Salabhasana (Locust Yoga Pose) Benefits:-

1. Strengthening the muscle of lower back
2. Strengthen the shoulder and arm
3. Strengthening the muscle of upper leg
4. Stimulates the stomach and intestines helping to relieve gastrointestinal gas and improve digestion.
5. Strengthens the bladder, and stretches the spine.
6. Apart from these, there are various mental and physical benefits of practicing Salabhasana every day.

Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :- http://bit.ly/Yog-Sadhana-App
