• 9 years ago
To do this lie on your back, feet touching from inside, legs together, palms flat on ground beside the body. Inhale. Exhaling push your palms against the ground and hoist hips off the ground. Weight should rest on elbows. Hips should rest lightly on open hands. Hold for a few seconds, breathing normally. Exhale, drop hips back to ground, by gently lowering spine first, back to the ground. Then drop the legs. Rest for some time.

After regular practice you must increase duration in the pose to three minutes or so.

Benefits: This is a powerful pose, possibly even than the classic shoulder stand. That is because there is less pressure on the thyroid, so you enjoy the benefits of a shoulderstand without its aggravations. It is said to be anti-aging, and death-defying. It has immense spiritual value, since it is said to lock the psychic energy within the body.

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