• 8 years ago
In this variation of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) you will notice a jump back, which can be modified by stepping back into a Runner’s Lunge instead of jumping.

The flowing series of Yoga postures that often comprises the beginning of a class is known as the Sun Salutations. This series of asanas warms up the entire body, increases circulation and enhances the flow of chi or life force energy. Traditionally, the Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, were practiced in the early morning hours. According to Ayurveda, Yoga’s sister science of health, the optimal time to practice the Sun Salutations is during the rising of the sun.

If a Yoga practitioner performs Surya Namaskar outside during the actual rising of the sun, this practice can help to align one’s body and mind with the natural rhythms of the earth. Of course, it is not always possible for all of us to practice Yoga during the misty, early morning hours of dawn! The benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar will support your overall health and well being, regardless of the time day that you choose to practice this series of postures.

Surya Namaskar is usually practiced as a warm-up vinyasa, before engaging in a full complement of standing postures, balancing poses, backbends, inversions, and seated postures. The Sun Salutations are particularly energizing, detoxifying and balancing when this series is practiced in conjunction with Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean Sounding Breath. For detailed instructions on how to practice Ujjayi Pranayama, please visit: www.aurawellnesscenter.com.

When you are ready to practice the Sun Salutations, come to the front of your Yoga mat and stand in Mountain Pose. Feel the support of the earth beneath your feet as your place your hands in Prayer Position in front of your heart and bow your head. You may wish to take a moment to silently recount an aspect of your life for which you are grateful. With your next inhale, raise your arms over your head and gently press your palms together in Prayer Position.

With your next exhale, release your arms and place your hands on your shins, ankles or on the Yoga mat as you move into Standing Forward Fold. With an inhale, extend your torso and look up slightly. With an exhale; move more deeply into Standing Forward Fold. Next, place your hands on the mat and with your exhale, walk or jump back into Plank Pose. With your next inhale, move fluidly into Upward Facing Dog Pose. With your next exhale, flow back into Downward Facing Dog.

Hold Downward Facing Dog for five breaths, remembering to inhale and exhale fully and completely. Next, walk or jump forward into Standing Forward Fold. With your next inhalation, gaze up slightly, and then drop back into Standing Forward Fold with your exhalation. With your next inhalation, rise up to a standing position with your arms overhead and your palms in Prayer Position. With an exhalation, bring your hands back down in front of your heart

Website: http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com

Music Source : AudioBlocks
