Yoga as Therapy to Cure Your Eyes | Asana Postures, Yogic Healing, Nutrition Management

  • 8 years ago
Many of the yogic poses/asana and exercises are aimed at improving the functioning of specific organs of the body.

Yoga provides a series of exercises that improves the functioning of the eyes and helps to overcome various eye-related problems, such as

* Myopia or short sightedness
* Hypermetropia or long sightedness
* Various other eye-related disorders

In the present day world about 35 % of the population suffers from myopia and hypermetropia in varying degrees. These disorders are usually overcome using powerful glasses and lenses which correct the refractive errors of the eye. However one needs to understand that glasses never cure bad eyesight. In fact, using powerful glasses can worsen eye problems. Therefore, one should use glasses only when absolutely necessary.

Other than a few diseases such as cataract and glaucoma which occur due to bacterial infections, many eye disorders are related to the malfunctioning of the ocular muscles caused by chronic mental and emotional tensions. Yoga techniques help to alleviate various disorders related to defects in the eye muscles such as myopia and hypermetropia.

Practicing these exercises regularly for a few months can go a long way in facilitating the normal functioning of our eyes.
Therapeutic yoga techniques include exercises such as

* Palming
* Blinking
* Changing focus of eyes from side to side simultaneously
* Changing focus of eyes forward and sideways simultaneously
* Rotational viewing
* Viewing upwards and down simultaneously
* Preliminary nose tip gazing
* Near and distant viewing

Note: Before starting these exercises, it is always recommended to splash your eyes with cold water a few times. Remember to keep the head and spine straight throughout the exercises.

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