Royal Garden Blues - Climax JB 1991

  • 17 years ago
Royal Garden Blues - Climax J.B 1991

Our Climax Jazz Band has been invited on many jazz cruises. Travel agents would charter a cruise ship and would then sell tickets, usually at the larger jazz festivals. Quite often more than one jazz band would be hired to perform during the cruise.
This cruise was for a trip along the Amazon River and the two participating bands were the Nightblooming Jazzmen from Los Angeles and our band from Toronto.
On the Greek m.s. Stella Solaris you see a clip of our band jamming through “Royal Garden Blues” with some additional guests. On tenor saxophone was Brian Ogilvie who had been our reedplayer in the early eighties and had just joined the Jim Cullum Band. On clarinet was Pieter Meijers from the Nightblooming Jazzmen, who several years later became the leader of the High Sierra Jazz Band. A very special guest was drummer Huub Janssen from the Netherlands, who had taken a break from the Dutch Swing College Band to join us on this trip.
Huub is probably one of Europe’s best drummers and it was a great pleasure to be driven by him.
The regulars in our band were Len Gosling on trombone, Jack Vincken on banjo and Chris Daniels on the bass and myself on cornet.
The music was rather hot and so were we. We had just past the Equator on the Amazon River and it was probably around 36 degrees C. , humid, with little wind, just minor inconveniences, but fortunately there was a continuous flow of deliveries of bottles of cold Heineken beer.
My wife Ilse was sweating with the heavy Sony camcorder on her shoulder to witness this film for future pleasure and here it finally is, some 16 years later!