Ballerina shoes are tied with ribbon right around the ankle, the knot is secured on the inside of the ankle, and the excess is tucked under the wrapped ribbon .
How to tie ballet shoe ribbons.
Abby shares with you how to properly tie your pointe shoe ribbons. Hit the Subscribe button above if youd like to see more ballet tutorials! Keep in touch with us .
Anaheim Ballet: More Than Dance. A couple different ways to tie your pointe shoes as well as some tips and tricks.
via YouTube Capture.
How to tie ballet shoe ribbons.
Abby shares with you how to properly tie your pointe shoe ribbons. Hit the Subscribe button above if youd like to see more ballet tutorials! Keep in touch with us .
Anaheim Ballet: More Than Dance. A couple different ways to tie your pointe shoes as well as some tips and tricks.
via YouTube Capture.
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