Inside Amazon Echo App Store's Growth

  • 8 years ago
Amazon has put a lot of stock in its Internet of Things, consumer-connected device that we all know as the Amazon Echo.
And now, it appears as though Amazon's ambitions for its device are coming to fruition as the eCommerce giant slowly builds up its app ecosystem across the Echo app store, also known as the "Skills" section that's found on Amazon's Alexa mobile app.
In fact, as a TechCrunch article points to, that app store now has more than 130 apps.
That figure is somewhat notable for the fact that, up until Aug. 2015, Amazon only sold the Echo on its own site, before finally deciding to take its device to the masses through major retailers like Staples.
It's too early to tell just how well the Amazon Echo has been selling, but Amazon did indicate during the Black Friday retail holiday that the Echo was once of its top five selling devices.