The show is adapted from the Hindu mythological story of Manasamangal Kāvya and Behula.
Manasa takes revenge upon Chand by destroying seven of his ships at sea and killing his seven sons.
Behula, the newly-wed wife of Chand's youngest son Lakhindar, makes the goddess bow to her love for her husband through her strength of character, limitless courage and deep devotion.
The epic brings out the caste divisions and the conflicts between Aryans and non-Aryans. The conflict between human beings and the goddess brings out the social discriminations of society, as well as the conflict between Aryans and non-Aryans. Shiva, whom Chand worshipped.
Manasamangal is also remarkable for its portrayal of Behula who epitomises the best in Indian womanhood, especially a woman's devotion to her husband.
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Manasa takes revenge upon Chand by destroying seven of his ships at sea and killing his seven sons.
Behula, the newly-wed wife of Chand's youngest son Lakhindar, makes the goddess bow to her love for her husband through her strength of character, limitless courage and deep devotion.
The epic brings out the caste divisions and the conflicts between Aryans and non-Aryans. The conflict between human beings and the goddess brings out the social discriminations of society, as well as the conflict between Aryans and non-Aryans. Shiva, whom Chand worshipped.
Manasamangal is also remarkable for its portrayal of Behula who epitomises the best in Indian womanhood, especially a woman's devotion to her husband.
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