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  • 8 years ago
What's a pupper?
[]Ordering 2 drinks with my meal so they don't think I'm eating it all myself.
[]Me stading in my bedroom
[]You should have cut it up they day they sent it to you without you asking.
[]You mean the muddy tracks that get colder and muddier?
[]Chat shit get banged
[]Shit you're uneducated. What are you even talking about. Germany sunk American ships and killed Americans? When, how? If that had happened there would have been consequences.

And you do know the American government was more than happy to trade with the Nazis, even in the beginning of the war, right? Your beloved America was a piece of shit nation, that's all. Accept reality and get over it.

And btw, if you didn't know (I'm guessing you don't) - Pearl Harbour was anticipated and even wished for by several people in American High Command. Read a frickin book before you think you could actually argue about history, because your entire view is clouded by the propaganda you people are taught in what you call an "education system". Never mind it doesn't deserve that name
[]Yeah, well, an honest mistake, episode numbers don't matter much. Also, it reminds me that season 3 is two weeks away. I'm so hyped.
[]She looks afraid.

That's the US Ikea link to the 21x30cm frame. For reference, that's the size of a standard a4 piece of paper. Pretty small for a stick, but not too cramped.

It's the same size as this guy:


I don't have any pics of the small one yet as i'm still waiting on my pika buttons; it's very similar to the big one, but in silver, and a bit thinner.
[]Sounds like it is time to expand your product line to meet demand! Maybe check eBay for some lactating bears.
[]Satellite High 2007 grad here....crazy to think that you guys are getting a direct hit. You can't control what other people do, so just stay safe yourself, that's all you can do. Hopefully your friends got out.

And just because humor is some good medicine...if those portables from when I went there aren't gone yet...they sure are now, lol.
[]He could be a later model
[]I get loads of stuff on a daily basis but thought I'd share with my Reddit community
[]I would have stocked up in the dorms. There's not a lot of trees on campuses.

Blizzards can be natural disasters.

I'm glad I'm in a place where the only way I hear about this is on reddit. If I was somewhere with television, I'd be annoyed more than I already am.

It's the infantilization and "special snowflaking" of america. The government should never have to rescue you, you should be prepared for shit that commonly happens in your area. People were told long before Katrina or sandy hit to evacuate. They didn't listen.
[]fuck have an upvote
[]That video scared the shit out of me. Why would you jump UP and not OUT?!

The near-death noises he made were quite authentic, you can tell he thought it was over
[]I was drink and took my shoes to go test the waters in the river near by. When I arrived home only had one of the socks in my pocket. I want to believe that dobby has the other one
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[]MTGears of war! lol.
What do the packs do?
[]Vince Gilligan quit 3/4 of the way through , I believe it was during the 1st round or rewrites and focus groups he left the project unfinished because Fox gave him an offer to pick a original series he was writing about a HS chem Teacher.
[]"How hot is your medium sauce?"

"Well, it's hotter than the 'mild' but not quite as hot as the 'hot.'"
[]95, 98, 7

basic math

If you're going to be condescending at least make sure you're right first.
