Straight from the magical world of Zahramay Falls, Shimmer and Shine, your genies divine, are coming to your TV August 24th, only on ! Subscribe .\r
Boom Zahramay! Get to know Shimmer and Shine, twin genies-in -training who cant wait to make your preschoolers wishes come true. Subscribe if you love .\r
Shimmer and Shine | Official Theme Song |Jr. Thank you for watching my video and please subscribe me on youtube You can read more infomartion in .
Boom Zahramay! Get to know Shimmer and Shine, twin genies-in -training who cant wait to make your preschoolers wishes come true. Subscribe if you love .\r
Shimmer and Shine | Official Theme Song |Jr. Thank you for watching my video and please subscribe me on youtube You can read more infomartion in .