FASHION 2 Movie Releases In 2016 | Priyanka Chopra

  • 8 years ago
Priyanka Chopra has really gone places. Whether it is Mary Kom or Kaahibai Quantico or Jungli Billi Piggy Chopra haa always made a mark in Bollywood. However her Fashion is something that is really her USP and her fans have always loved her unique role. Priyanka has always shown that she has really the stuff that one can only be proud of.

Now reports have had it that Madhur is planning to have yet another sequel to his landmark movie Fashion. Yes, so it would be a love triangle and with a fresher concept. Aint that oh so cool ?

Though Madhur may not have done well with his recent movies, Fashion always has been an iconic pic from his block. We wait to see more of Madhuritis hai na ?
