Day 1 Knoydart Expedition

  • 17 years ago
Minor epic. Day 1, of our 4 day bothying expedition from Glenfinnan, through Glen Pean, Glen Dessarry, Knoydart to Inverie.

Todays route (day 1):
Todays plan was to get the Glenfinnan to Mallaig train to catch the 9:30 ferry to Inverie so we could walk over Ladhar Bheinn to Barrisdale!

ScotRail cancelling the train service to Mallaig without telling us, or putting any notices up at Glenfinnan station.
This meant we missed the ferry to Inverie.
We decided to reverse our planned 4 day route, but this meant we didn't start walking until 11am, which was a bit optimistic for this fairly big day.

So our route was: Glenfinnan Station, Glenfinnan, over Sgurr nan Coireachan [Glen Finnan] and Sgurr Thuilm to A'Chuil bothy.
With Andy,Darryl, Rob and Ant.

Heavy sacs and bad mist slowed progress. We descended at dusk, panacking a little that we would not be able to find the way across two
significant rivers in Glen Pean - we made the crossing, just. However, we were still 3 hours away from the bothy, and couldn't find
the track through the foresstry plantation to the landrover track... we eventually found the bothy at 9pm - cold, wet and knackered.