• 10 yıl önce
No Aquarion themes this week.

No endorsements by any company is inferred/intended.

Attempting to abide by the fair use act, if anything, this display only shows excerpts of the whole work and acts as a tribute to the owners involved.

Aikatsu! 4th Season ED Ending
Aikatsu! 4th Season OP Opening
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz! ED2 Ending 2
Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama ED Ending
Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama OP Opening
Naruto Shippuuden ED35 Ending 35
Naruto Shippuuden OP18 Opening 18
Sore ga Seiyuu! EP12 Ending
Young Black Jack ED Ending
Young Black Jack OP Opening


