Defence & Diplomacy: Pakistani Christians Carry Jinnah's Message

  • 9 years ago
Christians had opted for Pakistan at the time of the partition in 1947. Some prominent Christians worked for the creation of Pakistan and supported the Muslim League in the Pakistan Movement.
After Pakistan achieved independence, Christians continued to serve Pakistan very meritoriously in the fields of medicine, education, diplomacy, fine arts, literature, performing arts and sports. Quite a few joined the armed forces and distinguished themselves with their courage a sizable number received gallantry awards and made the supreme sacrifice of their lives.
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, in his memorable speech to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11 August 1947 had promised equal status for all Pakistanis but it is not being followed.
Christians must be given the due respect. Quaid’s legacy must be respected. The Pakistan Flag, which we salute and revere, the white strip on it is a representation of the minorities residing in Pakistan. Christians are the largest Pakistani minority let us give them their due share of respect and thanks for their tireless efforts in serving Pakistan valiantly and zealously.
Brig Samson Simon Sharaf (Political and Security Analyst)
Asif Aqeel (Christian Historian and Sociologist)
Host: S. M. Hali
